For all of you who don't have access to Facebook. You'll have to forgive my rambling. The air is thin here in the Rockies and I suffer from A.D.D.. When you combine the two, you wind up with some crazy thought patterns that don't necessarily make a lot of sense.
I'm hoping to use this blog to keep people up to date on what's going on in our lives. It might also serve as a useful tool to remind me of dates, events, and various places Lou drags me in search of the elusive "perfect photo".
This last week has been crazy! Lou's friend Jenny arrived Friday afternoon for a weekend visit. She's allergic to our pets so we tear the house apart in a cleaning frenzy when she comes to visit. It's great to have guests because we probably wouldn't clean our house as thoroughly without them. Anyway, I came home from work around 6:15 because there is LOTS going on. I arrived to find a slightly intoxicated Lou, Jenny, Cody and his friend Brett standing in the kitchen waiting for my arrival so we could all go to a holiday party where we would drink large amounts of peppermint martinis, spiced cider, wine and beer. I quickly showered and dressed for the party only to have Lou admonish me for wearing my "comfortable" clothes to a Christmas Party. 15 minutes of ironing (I'm pretty anal when it comes to ironing shirts) later I was ready to go. God bless Cory and Todd for entertaining the 50-60 people who showed up to eat the free food, consume all the beverages they could and sing loudly in large groups of drunkenness. It was GOODTIMES. After my first martini, I planted myself right next to the piano and proceeded to sing my heart out...with a few la la las exchanged for words I didn't know...for a couple of hours.
Saturday we were up bright and early. Our pets don't know what a hangover is so they insist on being fed and let outside to potty at 7 am regardless of how much Lou and I protest. It's usually a good thing because we would probably sleep until noon if they weren't so persistent. I spent the next couple of hours trying to get addresses from people so I could mail them a Christmas Card. I was allotted 17 of the 50 Lou ordered, so I only sent cards to family. After that, it was off to Glenwood Springs to mail the cards and start my Christmas shopping.
Shopping was easier than anticipated. I like to shop locally, but when you're on a budget, it helps to utilize the Internet and free shipping. Of course, I spent most of my time at Costco...because it's in my blood and I just can't rid myself of the desire to be there.
I returned home just in time to shower and head over to our Crossfit gym where they were hosting a Christmas party for all of us who drop gallons of sweat on their floors. It was really nice to see people as they are in daily life...even a little dressed up as opposed to just getting out of bed and trying to motivate themselves to get a move on at 6 am. We wound up staying for several hours and I realized Lou and I are "those people" who are always the last to leave a party. We decided it was a good time to leave after the drunken hand stand competition had finished and people started swinging on the climbing ropes.
Sunday was a ski day. Lou's cousin Sam and her new husband Charley flew in after their finals for a ski trip. They flew out this time last year and rented a Chevy Aveo in Denver to drive up for a visit and enjoy the scenery. They never made it past Vail. After 5 hours in the car traveling at or below 20 MPH and being passed by large semis doing 60 in a blinding blizzard, they pulled off the road and decided driving in the snow wasn't for them. I'm secretly hoping this turns in to an annual trip for them. They are both in Med School and are lots of fun. The fact that they are lots of fun worked to their advantage this trip. Lou and I spent the entire day drifting down the ski runs at a snails pace while Charly and Sam perfected their snowboarding skills...15-20 feet at a time. It worked out fine because there is very little snow on the mountains and it gave me time to avoid patches of dirt and the random rock buried in the snow.
Lou and I had a some food after the mountain closed and hurried home. We had tickets to see Big Bad Voodoo Daddy at the PAC3 theater two blocks from our house. THEY WERE AMAZING! It was a lot of fun to see everyone dressed up for the event. It turns out Lou and I DON'T communicate very well because we both bought tickets for the event and discovered our mistake as we were leaving the house to see the show. Fortunately, our friends Cory and Todd were having a quiet evening at home and were easily convinced to join us at the show. After all, they live right around the corner from the venue.
Neither of us drank at the show because we knew getting home at midnight and then going to Crossfit Monday morning at 6 was going to be difficult enough. We didn't need to factor in a hangover. Of course we were both exhausted and are legs were DONE from skiing and dancing all day Sunday. There's something about the great crew of people that show up with us every morning that motivates you to push through the pain and give it your all. Without them, I would have just gone through the motions.
That brings us to at work...taking a break from the piles on my desk to fulfill a promise to Suzanne to start a blog........
UPDATE: It's now Thursday, and I figured I post my ramblings or it would defeat the purpose of starting. I've found that it's kind of nice to keep a journal of events and I look forward to less rambling, more structured posts in the future...but I have to start somewhere.